(Philipp Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan, Daniel Hofinger, Lennart Wittstock, Jonas Beisswenger)
(Philipp Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan)
(Martin Maurer - weeve)
(Simon Schwerin, XAIN AG - Director Business Development)
(Harald Zapp, weeve - CEO)
(Martin Maurer, weeve)
(Tobias Federico, Energy Brainpool - Managing Director)
(weeve / NBT, innogy)
(Philipp Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan)
(Philipp Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan)
(Philipp Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan)
(Aravinth Panchadcharam, NBT - Embedded System Engineer)
(Erick Ilarraza, ubiot.io - Chief Innovation Officer)
(Sascha Thomsen, weeve - Secure Systems Engineer)
Skalitzer Str. 85/86, 10997 Berlin, Entrance D
(Sebastian Ortseifen, Eventures Corporate Innovation - Project Manager)
(Laurence Kirk, XAIN AG - Blockchain Architect)
(Marvin Kruse, weeve - Blockchain Engineer)
(Arthur Roing Baer, FOAM - Creative marketing director)
(Kai Wagner, Jolocom - Business Development)
(David Perrenoud, ti&m - Software Engineer)
(Dr. Oliver Krause, Advantum Partners and Untitled Inc. - Director)
(Andranik Tumasjan, Martin Maurer)
(Axel von Goldbeck, DWF Germany - Lawyer and Partner)
(Kerstin Eichmann, innogy - Head of Machine Economy Lighthouse)
(Immo Garlichs, TickETH - Software Engineer)
(Immo Garlichs, TickETH)
(Miriam Neubauer, Catena Capital - Managing Director)
(Daniel Grassinger, Daniel Hofinger)
(Benjamin Bendig, Based Global - CTO)
(Daniel Grassinger, nexussquared - Co-Founder)
(Gleb Dudka, Astratum - Blockchain Analyst)
(+60 corporates participants)
The next Ethereum Camp will take place in the "Blogfabrik" in Berlin (Germany). The address is: Oranienstraße 185, 10999 Berlin, Germany.
Don't worry! We will not let you starve and offer lunch + snacks together with drinks.
The camp starts at Monday, 26.03.2018, 9am.
The exact dates are:
Mo., 26.03.2018, 09:00 Uhr –
Do., 29.03.2018, 20:00 Uhr
• We provide hardware devices: Raspberry Pi and HiKey hardware sets, sensors and actors with multiple I/O channels.
• You learn how to connect Ethereum and IOTA to the IoT hardware.
• You learn how to program the Raspberry Pi and HiKey sets, the sensors and the actors.
• We provide a set of real products to be connected, e.g. a truck, a RFID reader, a 220V plug, a charging station for e-cars, a solar panel, a smart meter.
• You connect with others and for a team consisting of both IT developers and business people.
• You think of a business model based on hardware, software and smart contracts.
• Because it’s an educational event, you will get a certificate for this 4-day blockchain & IoT hackathon. You can use this for future applications.
• Ideally at the end of the week, you have a working prototype, a website and a video to showcase your product.
• You present your product and your business model at the end of the week to the blockchain community in Berlin which we will invite to listen to you.
We have fascinating lecturers for this week! Experts, lawyers and scholars will give sessions to highlight different facets of development in the blockchain area: IOTA, Technische Universität München, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management etc.
For IT developers: fundamental knowledge of JavaScript, NodeJS, Ethereum Web3.js, passion for innovation, highly motivated; if possible, Raspberry Pi and C++
For business developers: fascination for blockchain and IT, ideally entrepreneurship experience, passion for innovation, some marketing and design skills, highly motivated
Unfortunately we aren't able to provide accomodation during the event but we can recommend you this search to find a hotel.
We will publish news about future camps on this website as soon as every detail is set up. You can also sign up to our newsletter. We will also keep you posted there.
Just send an email to: hi@ethereumcamp.io